Malawi – Zomba City Council Cracks Down On Unauthorised Tree Cutting In Malawi
By Smile Hamilton, Malawi
Zomba City Council (ZCC) has warned residents to desist from cutting down trees in the city without permission, whether in public or private spaces, except with authorization from the City Council.
According to the Council’s official announcement, anyone interested in cutting down a tree must submit a written application to the City Council Secretary, providing valid reasons for cutting the tree.
The Council said: “Please follow these procedures for tree cutting, write a letter to the City Council Secretary and wait for approval from the Zomba City Council before you proceed to cut the tree.”
Itl further emphasized that if approved, the tree will be marked for cutting, and it will be clear whether the tree is being cut by Council employees or an individual.
The Council also warned that anyone found cutting trees without permission will be required to provide compensation for the tree.